How to prevent lower back pain when running

How to prevent lower back pain when running - main image

Core muscles present big issues that need even bigger solutions – let’s check running form, repetitive stress and more

Hearing a crack in your back or feeling pain in your brain is never nice. In fact, back problems can be so, well, problematic that you have to seek physical therapy for the rest of your life.

Trust me, a lot of people testify to this, and it can ruin a lot.

So, despite running perhaps being very familiar, and your perception of running being low-risk, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put your back into it… by learning how to prevent back pain.

From a degenerative disc disease to lumbar spine problems, medical treatment to cross-training mishaps, there are a lot of reasons and solutions as to your back problem.

Let’s discover how developing your research ability is just as powerful as to, let’s say, develop core strength across your fitness career.

Let’s go.

No strain, big gains

Try these from the International Spine Institute –

  • Warm up thoroughly before you begin running.
  • Stretch out your hamstrings twice each day to reduce stress across your lower back.
  • Try some cross-training to avoid getting into an overuse syndrome.
  • Strengthen up your back’s core muscles with strength training and muscle toning.

Strength training

Pain and strain can come from a number of sources, some of which feel impossible to trace. But one thing you don’t need to look for at all is the fact that building strength will give you the best chances of reducing potential pain.

With your back pain, you could try cross-training, stretching better and being a little more careful with posture. As far as strength is concerned, you should focus on your pain, given its fundamental connectedness and support properties.

You could try mountain climbers and planks to help increase the strength and durability of your back. Look here for instructions on how to perform a plank with the correct form! (Or read our article here on how to do plank properly)


Maintenance is just as important as strength building – you don’t just want to add to the foundation of the house without maintaining the support that’s already there.

Forget proper running form for a second, pain-free running can be activated by simply keeping up to date with basic back movements.

You should take a further look at supermans, lacrosse ball hips, seated and forward folds, legs up the wall and supine twists for a list of brilliant exercises to help maintain back mobility and durability.


This is, of course, just a guiding post, if you want to get to the nitty gritty of back science and muscle building, then you can head over to this site, or this post too.


Can abdominal muscles feed into my back pain?

Absolutely. Muscles in that area are connected somewhat, and muscular strain isn’t always exclusive to one muscle group.

Should I work on hip flexors?

Hip flexors are what give that hip hinge, hip muscle efficiency and compound movement ability a chance of working. They can also feed into back pain too.

Can the right running shoes prevent overuse injuries?

Yes, without a doubt. The correct cushioned running shoes will limit putting extra pressure through your limbs and joints. Overuse injuries can still occur, but using the correct footwear helps limit them.

**Want to learn how to increase your pain tolerance? Click here!

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