How to run in the rain

How to run in the rain - main image

Getting your running shoes on, hat umbrellas out and pro techniques for running in the rain down

There’s nothing worse than coming home drenched in rain with wet clothes. It just feels horrible. And to top that dampening mood, there are plenty of wider dangers and rain-based hurdles when out in rainy weather. But… then again, a bit of rain shouldn’t get in the way of your run.

So how can we reduce those rainy near misses to marginal nuisances?

While it may seem obvious, some of these factors are overlooked, and runners seem to let many of them slip when it comes to actively running in the rain. Elements like the right trail running shoes, keeping your body temperature optimised, checking the weather forecast for lesser downpours and avoiding certain paths – they’re all worth considering.

Don’t let rain be your downfall. And don’t miss out on these tips for running in the rain.


Wearing the right clothes is an obvious step to running in the rain. But what constitutes right? And are things you should avoid?

The most important thing, of course, beyond wearing running shoes(!), is keeping warm, and water and wind-resistant. You should wear running shoes that do not absorb water, that won’t rub if any does penetrate the shoe boundary, and that slip and group are factored here too – safety first. But to expand on that, Verywell Fit writes, ”Your outer layer should be wind- and water-resistant jacket or vest. Don’t wear waterproof rain slicker because it will trap moisture and heat. Also, stay away from cotton (including your socks) because it tends to absorb water.”

You could wear waterproof shoes, a light rain jacket and thermals that remind you of that warm shower even when you’re out of the house – be logical here, it’s not rocket science.

Equipment protection

Mainly we’re talking about electronics here. While you’d be in for a shock at how easily compromisable certain devices are, you don’t want to be shocked in a literal sense, so don’t wait to find out. Wet weather houses many an issue when it comes to danger, and electronics are obvious red flags. If it’s a rainy day, make sure your electronics are inside something(a running armband would do); your pockets may be fine, but most report frustration when it comes to damp clothes and small pockets.

Changing from wet clothes

It’s so important to remember the dangers of wet clothes and rainy running even when you’ve made it indoors. If you’re wet, you’re at an increased risk of hypothermia. It’s a big danger, so be careful here. Take off wet clothing, store them properly, and prepare for the next round.


Wear bright, resistant and easy-to-dry clothes – there’s nothing worse than failing on a simple task, so ensure to think about this one.


What are the dangers of wet shoes?

You could slip, cause blisters, or do damage to the materials found throughout the shoe build. For a rainy run, wear shoes that will remain dry and grippy.

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