How to improve 10k time – part 2

How to pace a 10k - main image

Using race pace techniques, speed work, race day prep and strength training to improve 10k time

We all want to improve.

Some need to progress in their career, moving up the hierarchy and proving to themselves their worth. Others want to focus on family and become the best parent they can. No matter your reason, growth and development are essential.

Given you’re here reading this post, I’ll presume you know your reason for growth.

Upping your running distance has so many benefits. Mentally, you feel as though you’re succeeding, like you’re a winner and like your goals are being reached week after week. Physically you feel smarter, stronger, and like an upgraded version of yourself.

Given the benefits of an improved 10k time are clear, the only question left is… how do you get there in the best ways for you?

From developing your target race pace to incorporating speed work and interval training, you have many doors to walk through with guaranteed plus points on the other side. As long as you have a good running form, ample rest opportunities and a healthy diet, the only thing left to do is read a little here.

Speed training cycle

Speed work is needed. You need to try and run fast in order to acclimatise your body to certain distances and exertion levels. If your speed and intensity levels are in training, maybe it’s hill sprints or tempo running, then you’ll be improving your endurance and stamina for a faster race day goal pace too.

You could try 6×60 seconds with three minutes recovery between each for a great speed-based balanced workout.

Race pace

Shorter intervals on your last speed session aside, building your Vo2 max and aerobic capacity will help you to achieve and sustain a great race pace. Your Vo2 max is the point at which you’ve obtained the most converted oxygen you can, while your aerobic capacity determines how much air you can take in. (The two are unsurprisingly linked). In short, you want to provide as much oxygenated blood to your muscles to prevent fatigue, so work on improving your Vo2 max and aerobic capacity now.

Right before the race

Let’s focus on race day techniques and move on from training for a mo. Women’s Running recommends you do the following –

  • Complete a warm-up routine. It needs to physically and psychologically prepare you for what’s to come.
  • Think about your race strategy and race scenarios.
  • Believe in your ability to execute your plan. You’ve done the training
    and are ready.
  • Positively visualise your success. See yourself running strongly and achieving your race-day goal.


Your own 10k pace will indeed be your own; focussing on others’ pace can be great for working hard, but at the end of the day, you should time yourself and pace to match it. Work on these pace techniques and conduct further research to enhance your routine more.


Does training have to be consistent training?

If you want the best results, then yes. That goes for experienced runners as well as newbies.

**Check out the part one of “How to improve 10k time

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