How to improve hip mobility

How to improve hip mobility - main image

Using hip mobility exercises to reduce hip joint pain, tight hips and poor hip mobility all round

Your body is like a vehicle. We all know this simple yet effective analogy – when that vehicle starts to falter, wear and weather, certain aspects of its functionality can be compromised. Sure, it may still be able to get you from A to B, but we’re talking about fitness here, and performance isn’t about basic functionality.

Beyond wanting to maintain a solid performance, you also want to reduce potential injury. Injuries can literally stop you from walking properly again, so to use this example to preface a question –

  • Do you think that hip mobility is important… for walking?

An anticlimatic yes should follow, but in tandem with sensible consideration to just how important your hip mobility exercises will be, how hip flexors are and how a hip flexor stretch could be the difference between you running and having to retire entirely before you’ve even peaked.

Let’s look at range of motion, a classic hip flexor stretch, and knees bent movements to improve hip mobility.


Improving hip mobility is an important aspect of maintaining proper body mechanics and preventing injury. It can also help improve your overall flexibility and movement in activities such as sports, yoga, and dance. Here are some tips on how to improve hip mobility.

Stretch your hip flexors

Tight hip flexors are a common cause of poor hip mobility. To stretch your hip flexors, start by kneeling on one knee with the other foot in front of you. Make sure your front knee is directly over your ankle and push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Foam roll your IT band

The iliotibial (IT) band is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the outside of your thigh. Tightness in this area can contribute to hip immobility. To foam roll your IT band, lay on your side with the foam roller under your IT band and roll from your hip to your knee.

Try the pigeon pose

Pigeon pose is a popular yoga pose that helps stretch the hips and improve mobility. To get into pigeon pose, start on all fours and bring one leg forward, placing your knee on the ground and your ankle near your opposite hip. Slowly lower your hips down towards the ground and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Perform hip rotations

Hip rotations help improve mobility in all directions of the hip joint. To do hip rotations, sit on the ground with your legs crossed and your hands on your knees. Slowly rotate your hips in a circle, making sure to go in both directions. Do this for several reps on each side.


Improving hip mobility takes time and dedication, but with regular stretching and exercises, you can see significant improvements in your flexibility and movement. Remember to always warm up before stretching and pay attention to your body’s limits to avoid injury.


Should I have my knee bent when performing these routines?

Depending on the exercise, yes. Mostly, having your knees bent serves mobility and reduces strain.

Will these exercises work on my opposite leg?

They’ll work for both areas of both legs.

Are hip exercises necessary?

Any hip mobility exercise should be considered very important for active trainers and a positive way of avoiding hip pain long term.

**Find out how to fix snapping hip here!

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