How to weight lift

How to weight lift - main image

Strength training exercises to support muscle mass while maintaining proper form

The world of weight traning can feel daunting. You want to lift weights and build muscle mass, focusing on a full body workout or only working certain muscle groups, but should you get a personal trainer? Start a weight training program? Or simply develop a workout schedule?

To find out our tips for a great weight training plan that ensures you get the most out of resistance training, keep reading.

Keep your workout balanced

Whatever you do, it’s important to start weight training with a weekly weight training schedule that works multiple, major, muscle groups. Not only can the same exercises day in, day out become boring, but it’s important to work different muscle groups to aid post workout recovery. If your exercise program focuses only on the same muscle groups, you will end up with uneven muscle hypertrophy which will affect your ability to maintain good form. Start your strength training session with one of the many cardio workouts available at the gym, and try to focus on your entire body throughout the week.

Avoid muscle pulls – exercise slowly

Lifting weights too much and too quickly is lifting weights improperly. For a first weight lifting routine:

  • Increase blood flow with some light cardio, then start your free weights session with a lighter weight and progress as much as you feel you need to.
  • Do a few reps (something low intensity, like bicep curls with a light weight dumbbell in each hand) and see how you feel
  • End with a good stretching routine – you could even incorporate some yoga into your plan!
  • Give yourself a rest day to heal your muscle tissue – prepare for muscle fatigue


All weight training workouts are different, because everybody is different. A good strength training routine takes into account the whole body – you need to think about every muscle group and you need to ensure that as well as being pushed to their limit, the muscles that you work out are appropriately stretched and properly rested. It’s no good pushing your body to its absolute limits if you aren’t going to allow the muscle fibers time to knit themselves back together again. After all, if your reason for wanting to lift weights is to make your muscles bigger, your muscles need to be properly looked after.


What’s the appropriate weight for me?

How much weight you lift depends on what you needheavier weights aren’t always better. Your weights should be just enough to feel like you have to put some effort in, but not so much that it hurts to lift them. You want to avoid too much delayed onset muscle soreness. If you feel like the heavy weights are too much, switch to lighter weights, and if it feels more easy, lift more weight. Always remember, good form – if you’re required to stand feet shoulder width apart then do so (or feel the wrath of your certified personal trainer, or muscle strain, whichever is louder)

How many reps should I do?

Same as above – whatever feels right to you! A good starting number is around 6 sets of 10 repetitions.

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