Using a classic athletic technique to bolster your exercise routines
Mountain climbers are pretty brave, let’s be honest. No amount of gear or equipment can truly indicate risk, so whether you’re abseiling a small rock face or free climbing a sizeable mountain, let’s just hope you get to where you wanted safely.
Mountain climbers aren’t just sports people, they’re thrill seekers. But seeking white-knuckle experiences isn’t just for those that like Redbull and stock car racing – in the world of mountain climbing, intelligence is a necessity. So it’s no surprise people have imitated the action in-home workout form. Mountain climbers are what they sound like, an action that mimics the leg movement of someone traversing upwards. This exercise is rigorous, of high output, fast-growing, and the best part of it – you don’t have to leave the house or risk your life.
Let’s break down one of the best ways to reach the only peak you need – fitness peak.
Let’s climb!
Why bother?
Other than the feeling of reaching new heights (not literally of course) excelling with mountain climbers gives a host of sturdy benefits. Cardio exercise in this manner is great for endurance, core muscles, agility, calorie burning and more. Because your whole body is involved, with mountain climbers you get a whole-body workout. Think about it…
You use your entire body for a mountain climber, from shoulder and arm support to your core strength supporting lower body movement this exercise is killer. Being in a plank position alone is enough to challenge you so when you add dynamic movement naturally it’s going to get harder. Standing mountain climbers, lateral mountain climbers, it doesn’t matter – cardio is cardio and so your health and heart benefit broadly speaking too.
Verywell Fit has detailed a how-to, so let’s try one –
”When you’re just starting out, try the classic variation of the exercise:
- Get into a plank position, making sure to distribute your weight evenly between your hands and your toes.
- Check your form – your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and head in alignment.
- Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can.
- Switch legs, pulling one knee out and bringing the other knee in.
- Keep your hips down and run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can. Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each leg change.”
So, with this brief insight into climbing to your fitness peak, whether your left leg or right knee hurts more, you’ll push through and feel the benefits when you do. You should perform mountain climbers on a daily basis if you want full body benefits and less time to reap the rewards. There are more mountain climber tips online, so if you need to change how mountain climbers work for you then look around.
Is there a right starting position
As is the case with any exercise, a right starting position exists. For climbers, you just want to make sure that your back is straight as you begin the plank. and then proceed envisaging a straight line route, whilst making those ‘foot switch mountain climbers moves’.
Will the perfect mountain climber give me a full body exercise?
Yes, mountain climbers and mountain climber variations will target all of the muscles mountain climbers work, therefore giving you a great, lower and upper body, compound exercise workout.