How to run 10 miles

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Using half marathon techniques, faster pace training, and race day prep to see how to run 10 miles

Whatever your training plan, whether it takes you a lot more than an hour or no matter your average speed, progress is possible. Developing your cardiovascular abilities is like growing as a person – you mature, grow stronger, wiser and ultimately? You achieve the goals you set out to.

But, of course, nobody said it was going to be easy,

You could have been trying for six or seven days without any success whatsoever, or maybe you’re too comfortable with the steady pace you’ve already garnered with lots of work.

Either way, it’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and running head-on into progress.

Thankfully, you don’t just need to follow some rigorous exercise program, you don’t merely have to lose weight with some horrible diet – all you have to do at first is read a little more.

Let’s run through it.

First things first

A basic understanding of how to get to that 10-mile stage will, of course, be necessary. If you don’t already know, then ask yourself, what could it be that I need to work on?

The answer should contain frequency, intensity, and time.

That’s right – it’s no surprise, but if you want to increase your distance-based running ability, then you’re going to have to work on your running amounts (be it less or more runs for the better), how fast or how hard you’re running, and how long you’re running for.

Bupa puts it like this, ”As you get fitter, you’ll be able to train more often and for longer in each session. As a beginner, this means you can gradually run more and need to walk less. At an intermediate level, you should find that you’re able to run distances faster.”

And this is the point – it’s not rocket science, if you want to get better, then train right.

But what of some intricacies that may be missing from my training plan? And what things do beginner runners need to know before setting off?

Prepare right

Whether it’s for speed play, long runs, or two miles at a time… prep is key. With any type of training, even non-cardio strength training, you want to make sure you’re doing the right thing before you train, otherwise, your efforts will be wasted and your goals missed.

Things like planning your route, having the right meal beforehand (lots of fast release carbs for example), and resting right (8 hours remains the recommended amount) can be the difference between your success and your failure.


Going for a long run? Put in the work beforehand. Use cool downs, tempo run techniques, warm-ups and… well, everything you can in order to up your game and increase your mileage.

Your victories are worth it.


Should I always look to fine-tune?

If there’s room for improvement, then you should take it. But if it becomes obsessive and actually detrimental to your performance, then know when enough’s enough.

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