How to run for longer

How to run for longer

Forget about a personal trainer, let’s make you your own running coach with these easy tips to run for longer

From practising at a conversational pace to trying different running gear, setting goals to run for longer is a great way to progress. Sure, sprinting is great, building strength is just as good, but running for long distances feels like a hallmark in the running world. So how do you start preparing for longer-distance running? Well, sometimes it’s about rigorous training plans and strict diets, but sometimes it’s more simple – running shoes, running speed over time, and slower pace restrictions can all contribute too.

Let’s go!

Time to go

Simply adding 5-10 minutes per week can do a lot to your endurance levels. Sure, you’ll plateau, and some days you won’t be up to it, but making sure to increase the overall time running is paramount to your body improving. Running performance doesn’t have to be leaps, it can be steps, so don’t worry about adding a lot on too soon. Running economy is all about smart use of time, so be sure to track your timings and work from there. For example, go for a run for 20 minutes. Next time add 5 on. Keep tracking and see how you get on. You can also take advantage of varying training schedule styles. Things like increments, sprints… you name it, varying up your training styles can help with overall running length.

Raw form

Mastering the basics may sound… well, basic. In reality, however, it’s easy to miss a few obvious pointers. Before you’ve even thought about a training plan, aerobic capacity or strength training, think about running form. Make sure the way you run is comfortable but targeting all of the right parts of your body, and not putting strain on areas that aren’t needed and may put a hindrance on later line performance.

Boot camp

And when you have your form down to a tee, you want to make sure the very things you’re using as equipment aren’t things getting in the way. Even at an easy pace making sure you have the right running shoes is important. With tempo runs, sprints or other dynamic terrain environments, you want top-class and comfy shoes. Any running session can be thwarted by not having the proper gear. From blisters to muscle strain, make sure you can focus solely on running.


Make sure to check out some serious science as well as some great dietary tips too, as these will enhance your overall performances. It’s important to get the right info to inform the right learning curve. And if you want to progress, you’ll have to take advantage of a thought-out running schedule, dynamic stretches, warming up your body properly, and so forth. Make sure to do it right.

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