Using a beginner treadmill workout with outdoor running shoes and treadmill workouts too to boost performance
If you want to work out on a treadmill then you’ll be pleased to know it’s easy. It’s not like waltzing onto a dancefloor and having to know the tango without practice it’s as easy as running, and you should know how to run at least, the best treadmill workout can be achieved by simply trying it out first. It’s not something you should be afraid of.
From treadmill trails to the best warm-up going, treadmills can accommodate a lot through technology too. You can have the same workout as the pros or be on track for a beginner run-through. Either way, the choice is yours when it comes to the incredible range of treadmill variations on the market.
So, when it comes to treadmill running, what do you actually have to look out for? What’s deemed good and what’s deemed… urm, less so?
Let’s do it.
Taking is slow
It’s no surprise that when you do anything for the first time, it’s better to take it slow. You get more of an opportunity to find your footing, get the upper hand on technique and generally acclimatise to something you haven’t done previously.
While a treadmill workout is widely considered straightforward, you don’t want to be going backwards when it comes to feeling comfortable (literally). Try running a lower mileage at a slower speed, just to begin with, and soon you’ll be moving up the metric ladder to the pace you’re looking for.
“As a beginner runner, start by slowly jogging and increase over time to consistently improve your fitness level”.
Speed interval training
Interval training is a brilliant practice for runners anyway, let alone getting used to a treadmill. Running at different speeds will help you to interact with the treadmill belt, onboard controls, the feeling of static running and any safety features available. While it may feel scary at first, upping your speed will garner quick comfort results; it doesn’t take long to understand the feeling of a treadmill, so the faster you run, the faster you’ll understand aspects like stance.
Plan ahead
Having a plan of action is a strategy in itself. The more you can map out your routines, schedules and activities, the more you’ll understand your process, and, relevant to treadmill running, for starters, you’ll feel a little more comfortable setting foot on a machine for the first time. Indoor running is quite safe, but it’s not just about the physical aspects of safety; your mental state and confidence are just as important. Running outdoors, jogging slowly, messing with the incline setting – there are always many ways to proceed, so make sure to plan so you can find the right one for you.
It can be intimidating, you know, walking into the gym and seeing people more adept than you. But you need to remember a few things –
1) These machines are made to be easy; no manufacturer wants to create unnecessary complications.
2) Everybody started out in the same position as you, they’ll understand.
Be safe and be prepared with these quick and easy steps.
Do incline settings simulate hill workouts?
In part, yes, it depends on the incline settings. But you can’t simulate that dynamic incline in the same way as a natural hill possesses.