Using a training plan, incorporating interval training, bettering race pace, involving cross-training… there are many ways to get ready for a 10k training.
We all want to push boundaries, better ourselves, reach targets, and smash goals, and with running it’s not hard to do. Well, it completely depends, of course, on you, but running targets are straightforward – the question is, is the path straightforward too?
Hopefully, we’ll be able to answer that question today, at least in part. Training for a 10k has many different paths you could take, but ultimately, if you’re ready on race day, then you’ve taken the right one. Beginner runners may struggle with the idea, but just like a running pace, it’s about steadily and decisively deciding how fast you want to grow.
So, let’s take a look at stuff like strength training, average running place, rest days and more to see how you could best train for a 10k today.
Build you up slowly
The right pace is the right pace. That’s a fact, but what’s subjective is which pace is right for you. You might want to employ a great yet simple tactic of working up your pace over time. You don’t have to try and run a half marathon straight away, you just need to be progressively beating your older times. Advanced runners will, of course, know this, but experienced runners won’t feel the benefit of that initial growth spurt, one that sees you improve at incredible rates. So use this tactic to grow quickly!
Variety is the spice of life
Endurance and speed are big players, and to target both, you might need to vary up your workout routines. You don’t need a training program per se, but to go the full race distance without being destroyed then, you can use endurance training at a slightly slower pace, training runs up hills for speed, or work on average running pace over time to help your body acclimatise to long distances.
It doesn’t have to be intense it just has to be throughout, and smart, and well thought out, and so on. The right exercises will help you, so check some out here.
This also counts for cross-training. You can take advantage of cycling and weightlifting to help support you in ways beyond running. It’s incredible how quickly your ability to make gains, gains that feed into how well you run.
Professional medical advice is one thing, but making use of your ability to simply read could be the difference between your success and failure. All you need to do is make sure you read up on the right exercises and right workout routines, you’ll quickly find that having a mindset, a will, the resources, and the knowledge is going to be the difference between your victory and defeat.