Author Archives: Gary Bright

How to increase mitochondria

How to increase mitochondria - main image

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell. But how do you support mitochondrial function to encourage energy production? There are many reasons why you might be interested in improving your mitochondrial health. Maybe you are experiencing symptoms of mitochondrial dysfunction, or you’re just looking to reduce oxidative stress and improve mitochondrial function. Why is it[…]

How to increase lactate threshold

How to increase lactate threshold - main image

Increase your blood lactate levels with these lactate threshold training techniques. Lactate threshold occurs when the exercise intensity you’re engaging in gets to the point where the levels of lactate in your blood are noticeable. But how does it all work? According to James Dunne, the “onset of blood lactate accumulation occurs when you start[…]

How to fix curled toes

How to fix curled toes - main image

Suffering from curly toe issues? Let’s treat curled toes, reducing abnormal bend and detriments to performance. It may not sound like a tricky affair, but going toe-to-toe with the reality of hindered performance can be hard. As ever, we’re big advocates of maximising your performance. From the largest of hindrances to the tiniest of fall[…]

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