Author Archives: Gary Bright

Why are curved treadmills so expensive?

Why Were Treadmills Invented?

If you have been following athletes’ gym routines, you would have noticed them working out on a curved treadmill- an unusual treadmill with an arch in its center. Curved treadmills rose to fame during 2017, and since the past few years, they have become a hot topic for trainers. However, the treadmills are often unreachable[…]

Why Were Treadmills Invented?

Why Were Treadmills Invented?

Treadmills have become an integral part of our exercise routine; they are the most popular aerobic exercise equipment and are readily available at most gyms. Unlike other machines, you don’t require expert guidance before beginning your treadmill workout; hence, most trainers prefer buying a treadmill for their home gym. Today, the exercise equipment market is[…]

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