How to run with your dog

How to run with your dog - main image

Both you and your dogs deserve to run, together. Let’s find the best ways of dog running today

Why people think they can’t run with their dogs is beyond me. Besides the fact they have four legs, and are far faster than you and far, far stronger, dogs love to run.

But I get it.

Your little running partner may have a few issues that we humans don’t. For example, did you know that dogs can’t cool down like us? They don’t sweat, which means they pant, which means they take a little longer to cool down. But not all dogs are the same of course. Some dogs manage this very well, and of course, most dog’s paws, specifically dog’s paw pads, are super durable.

I could go on for pages as to the power and resistance of dogs when it comes to running… but in short, running with your dog is something to smile for, not worry about.

However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be ready beforehand…and with poop bags to hand, let’s get going…


Yeah, okay – dogs are pretty strong, powerful and fast. But that doesn’t mean all dogs are the same. It’s so important for your dog to get a check-up, making sure the preliminary health measures are in place before running. A lot of dogs are overweight, have heart problems, and bone growth issues are common too.

Young dogs have bone problems the most – they’re not fully formed and so their structural integrity might not be there yet. Certain dog breeds, like Great Danes, suffer heart issues so be wary of size too.

Other things like a dog’s joints, dog’s temperament (yes, mental health is important here too), and joint issues need to be properly checked as well.

Take your dog to a vet, get a check-up, and then get running if it’s safe to do so.

Weather conditions

Wowee, can it get hot? So hot, in fact, that despite our sandals melting into our toes, ray bans making an appearance yet again, and sun cream having to come out of the cupboard… we still want to go outside. However, just because we can stand the heat doesn’t mean your dog can.

Hot weather can increase risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke (both have high chances of being fatal). Both of these need to be watched, and of course, certain surfaces like asphalt are super inductive, so consider this beforehand.

But a chill can be fatal too…

Most dogs are better suited to the cold. But if you don’t prepare your dog correctly, then cold weather is a red flag. It’s more than possible for your dog to dehydrate in cold weather and foot injuries on ice aren’t rare, either.


These are just two examples of things to watch for, trust me, there are more (so maybe consult a local dog trainer for more advice). Whether you have a younger dog or an older furry friend, a running programme or a good running partner to keep an eye out too, there’s always something that could get in the way.

And remember, your dog’s life is always worth considering.


Should I let my dog run off-leash to run?

This depends on the area. If your area allows you to and your dog is well behaved, then yes, but always think before you do it.

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