How to improve running technique

How to improve running technique - main image

Using proper running form, correcting running form issues, improving your heel strike and other developments to up your running technique

It goes without saying that running technique is important. But it’s easy to forget or inadvertently dismiss the basics. A correct running form can be the difference between you running safely across the finish line or failing with your first step. Whether the issue feels small, like a slight forward lean to your form, or big, like a pronated ankle adding risk to your foot strike, there’s an answer for you out there.

A good running form is essential for more than just immediate injury or performance though, over time a bad running technique can completely fatigue or wear your body down, giving long-lasting injuries that could stay with you for life (let alone trample your running career completely)

So, when we talk about proper running technique, what do we really mean?

And are you running head-on to injury, or have you already perfected your form?

Let’s run through it.

Being proper

Alright, so, what does a proper running form look like?

First of all, you need to maintain a tall posture when you run. Long-distance running form can take its toll if not properly formed, so having good posture is one of the keys to achieving a great form. If we don’t maintain proper posture, we get tight hip flexors, anterior muscle issues and weaker glutes. This, of course, is terrible for bodily health, but it also ruins performance too.

In short, stand up properly!

Poor running form also feels tight all around. Ever get a stitch, muscle strain or cramp? Often, the correct form is missing. The correct form, in this instance, is one that’s relaxed. You need to relax your shoulders and upper body in general. If you tense up, it’s not only uncomfortable, but it’s also wasting energy in order to maintain that tension.

Distance runners and sprinters alike know that a relaxed form is a good one; nobody wants to waste a single ounce of energy, let alone cause unwanted injury.

Thirdly you want to make sure your movements are all needed, and by needed, we mean efficient. Think about it, when you buy appropriate running shoes, you’re buying them because they function right. You’re not buying running shoes because they have nice extras on them, so why would you want to add unnecessary extras to your form?

Everything needs to be functional when it comes to form so if you’re bouncing around and rotating excessively, you’re wasting energy and ruining your form.



Proper form is proper form; you want less stress on your body, a strong running stride and a ‘stand-tall’ attitude. Running drills and running posture need to have a positive correlation otherwise, you might not only stunt your growth, but you may also reverse development entirely – injury is always a risk.

Stay safe, stay formed.


Is there such a thing as the best running form?

There are always markers, but in reality, it depends on what you need to do relative to your body.

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