How to lose the last 5 pounds

How to lose 10 pounds in a month - main image

Using top techniques for losing weight, making sure your weight loss efforts are worthwhile and losing those last 5 pounds

You should lose weight. These words can be both pesky and demoralising, difficult and piercing. Ultimately, it’s down to you whether you want to accept them or not, yet vital that you realise the difference between healthy and unhealthy weight loss.

In any case, perhaps you’ve identified a healthy body composition and you’re well on your way to reaching that target. You’ve read top tips for weight loss, consumed fewer calories each day, learned of all the hard-to-spot weight gain mishaps and you’ve reached a great point in your journey.

But while this point is certainly an achievement, it doesn’t mean you don’t still have work to do.

I am of course talking about those last few pounds. Beyond a healthy diet, avoiding even more calories and upping the mileage to your weight loss journey… how do you battle that weight loss plateau and lose 5 pounds, today?

Weight training

Did you know that lifting weights is great if you want to focus on that calorie burn too?

Sure, you should keep a food journal, track your macros and make sure your routine is catered towards losing weight, but if you don’t have weight training in that routine you might be missing out on something great.

Research shows that pound-per-pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does (approximately seven to 10 calories per pound of muscle tissue per day, compared to two to three calories per pound of fat per day, says Rebold). So if you want to lose those last 5 pounds then try some simple weight training techniques to help you get there – you can hit multiple muscle groups every session.

Food journal

Okay so I mentioned keeping a food journal earlier, and it wasn’t just to present weight training as being a good thing to lose 5 pounds. Just like tracking an exercise routine, you may find that certain aspects of your training are being cut short (it’s hard not to make tiny things up in your mind), and food is even harder to keep a mental note of.

Food journaling allows you to track calorie intake, as well as different energy sources (carbs, protein, etc) down to the unit. You wouldn’t be so remis with a mathematical sum so why would you be with calorie intake?

Make sure to keep track so you genuinely understand just how much fat you might be adding to your diet.


In conclusion, losing those 5 extra pounds may feel like a slog. And you wouldn’t be wrong in thinking so. Food intake is massively misleading if you’re not taking into account all that you should, lifting weights might feel hard or laborious but it can make a huge difference, especially if you up the exercise intensity, and at the end of the day as long as you’re taking the right steps towards your future fitness lifestyle you’re doing the right thing.

Keep at it!


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